Friday, September 2, 2011

Let go of things that no longer serve you.

My Refocus Workshop Journal

Daily Quote: “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom”. George S. Patton

Body: Make daily notes. Research has shown that keeping track of your daily exercise and food intake in a journal or notebook will increase the likelihood of success. Keep it simple, or if you're inspired, write a novel! The key is to hold your-self accountable.

Mind: Take a sentence from a magazine or newspaper. Try to make another sentence using the same words.

Spirit: Write a note to someone you want to forgive or befriend (not to be delivered) Holding on to bitterness and anger can cause problems of their own, so if you have ever been victimized, being able to forgive your victimizer is a crucial part of your healing.

Emotional: Letting go of things that no longer serve you, can be great stress relievers! Because clutter has several hidden costs and can be a subtle but significant stressor, cleaning house and de-cluttering your space as a mindfulness exercise can bring lasting benefits.

Day Fact: Get support. Whether it's your best friend, spouse, or pet, it helps to have some nonjudgmental and nurturing support when trying to lose weight, especially during trying times.

DWP Quote: "The ability to observe is very much hampered by the routine of everyday life."

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