Saturday, April 2, 2011


Daily Quote: “I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year’s.” Henry Moore

Body: Buy a pedometer. A pedometer keeps track of how many steps you take daily. Wear it every day, around home, work, and while exercising.

Your goal is to increase your steps to 10,000 or more daily!

Mind: Get enough sleep. As an addict, I was all about the “chemicals” As a clean addict I am still all about chemicals, but now they are the natural ones that my body produces. Yep we all have those pleasure centers in our brains that are stimulated and satisfied by our own natural chemicals. Every year more research shows the importance and need of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin just to name a few. However, I name these few because of how we make them. Amazingly enough, one way we make them is while we sleep! You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 to 9 hours each night.

Spirit: Change is a fearful thought for many people. Research has shown that change is a learning opportunity that exercises our brain and keeps us sharp. So change your route to work or reorganize your workspace. Both will help your brain wake up from old habits and pay attention again. Keep in mind that fear and excitement are the same energy. News flash! Change means you will need to do new and different things… That’s real change.

Emotional: Your life is your responsibility, in MyRefocus this is what I call “Heavy Lifting” meaning you need to do it. The 1st step in your character development is being trustworthy. This means that you tell the truth. You are honest and you keep your promises. In short, those in your circle of influence can depend on you. A trustworthy reputation is important now and for the future. This reputation will help you make and maintain good relationships. They will know that they can rely on you to do your best in every situation. Of course, there will be times when your judgment fails and you make mistakes. Now and then this happens to everyone but if you quickly admit your error and do all that you can do to correct the situation, others will be quick to move on. By learning from your mistakes, you will do better in the future. Please develop trust in yourself. You know when you have done right and when you have done wrong. Living this way, you can respect yourself and others will respect you too. .

Day Fact: You control three things, your thoughts, your words, and your deeds.

Quote: “Time is made through organization.” D W Patterson

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