Sunday, April 3, 2011


Daily Quote: “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” Robert Byrne

Body: WALKING DAY! (10 min.) 10,000 steps is the goal, so wear your pedometer the whole day. Record the number of steps in your journal.

Mind: It's a throw away day. Throw away the negative content in your media diet. Take a hard, honest look at your favorite TV shows, movies, pod casts, apps, music, and web sites. What would I know about you if I used them as a measure of your character? Try shutting off your most played media and monitor your comments, or the howls of your family. These remarks and reactions are the measure of the level of their addiction.

Spirit: Don’t gag on the word “spirituality”. Spirituality is the cornerstone of a rich fulfilling life. Take a good look at your traditions. What do you call the power greater than yourself? There are many names of deity, God, Great Spirit, Logos, Nature, Lord, Dios, Higher Power, Jesus Christ, Messiah, Allah, Big Bang, etc. As for me, I believe in the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ.

Jesus taught, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Mat 22:37-40

I have underlined what I call the “hidden third commandment”, love thyself. Please notice that in these two commandments are listed the four areas of our lives that we must nourish daily. Heart, Soul, Mind, and Relationships.

Emotional: Make stress reduction a priority. Most people put themselves last in life. But that's not you. Practice self-care, a well-cared-for body, mind and spirit can make you feel good about yourself and your life, and conveys to others that you value yourself. This can contribute to long-term wellbeing. Make time to breath and be still… NOW!

Day Fact: Perception is reality when it comes to your stress. What we hear, smell, feel and think immediately triggers our bodies’ chemical response. The body, mind and spirit are not separate. What we think, eat and believe control what happens in our bodies.

Quote: “There is no rest, just slow work.” D W Patterson

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